JavaScript Text to Speech Using Synthesis API
Friendly human interfaces sometimes require machine-generated voices. And Text-to-Speech technology in JavaScript can implement the requirement very well. When web pages read texts aloud like robots, people are just listening machine's reporting without looking at ...
JavaScript Speech Recognition for Beginners
Sometimes, people require Speech-to-Text (STT) technique to make machines recognize oral commands. Now, we are introducing the simplest way to speech recognition in JavaScript. This tutorial is for beginners. It helps you create web pages ...
Cordova APP Calculate Geo Map Distance on Walking
Using Cordova Plugins, you can calculate Geo map distance of the route you have walked. The Plugin used to get latitude and longitude for map distance is Cordova Geolocation, which read GPS chip to report ...
JavaScript Redirect POST Request Without Data Limit
Rather than AJAX staying in the same HTML, sometimes, developers have to redirect to different URL using POST requests. We provide tricky JavaScript codes to redirect a POST request with no parameters limit. Comparison with ...
How to Detect Cordova Wifi Connection
You can detect Cordova Wifi and Cellular network connections in two ways: repeating checks and event notification. However, for more efficient result, we introduce a Plugin based on Network Information API to monitor network connection ...
jQuery Roulette Wheel Game in Cordova APP
We are presenting a mobile game by rotating a roulette wheel using jQuery. The core library is jQueryRotate.js used to create an example for demonstration. Apart from core library, topics about building an Cordova APP ...
PHP RSA Encrypt and Generate Keys in Server Site
PHP RSA library in server sites can generate key pairs and perform public key cryptography. Server sites expose generated public key to all clients, so asymmetric encrypt scheme protect data by using private and public ...
Javascript RSA Generate Keys from Browser Client
We introduce a JavaScript RSA library that can be used with HTML browser, rather than with Node.js. Browser clients can generate keys with specified key size. The server sites receive public keys from clients for ...
How MQTT Plus Cordova GPS APP Track My Family
Cordova APPs using MQTT can share data with each other. Moreover, shared Geo locations and GPS positions can track your family and friends. This example use Google Maps to mark where your family and friends ...
MQTT Python Client Example to a Free MQTT Server
We provide a MQTT client example using Python, and furthermore, reveal for you extra information about a free MQTT broker server. You don't have to build a MQTT broker for testing programs, the free broker ...