Auto Refresh HTML Data in Web Page by 4 Methods
There are 4 methods to auto refresh Html data in display boards such as currency rate boards, so that the web page keeps changing periodically. The former two methods are about that browsers are polling ...

Python Parallel for Loop on Producer-consumer Model
Python parallel for loop can simplify the producer-consumer model, and we provide a simple Python example that uses the async thread module, asyncio, for demonstration. The example simulates the behaviors of restaurant's cookers and their ...

Solving Post JSON to Python CGI FieldStorage Error
Python CGI module gets popular among developers for only unstructured data, but its FieldStorage() gives rise to an error for posting JSON data. The article describes the problem in details and raise a solution. You ...

WebSocket Push Message to a Specific Client in Html
Unlike HTTP servers, WebSocket servers can push a message to a specific client in Html and JavaScript. The feature is valuable for many applications such as web chatting. This article starts from WebSocket basics that ...

Loop Multidimensional Array in PHP by 3 Recursive Demos
You can walk across one-dimensional array simply, but may laboriously loop through multidimensional array in PHP using recursive methods. Truly, the multidimensional features in data need more efforts for traversal of array. Obviously, recursive methods ...

Googletrans Python Example for A French Chatbot
The Googletrans Python library can implement multilingual chatbot examples such as a French chatbot. In general, the French stemmer, one of NLTK(Natural Language Toolkit) Snowball Stemmers, is able to parse French sentences and phases to ...

NLP Chatbot Deep Learning by Tensorflow and NLTK
NLP chatbot can wisely acts as a person in charge of customer service, and we want to concisely reveal the secret of AI(Artificial Intelligence) chatbot by introducing the deep machine learning with Tensorflow and NLTK ...

WSGI App in Python under Apache mod_wsgi
Walking through an example, you will learn how to install and configure mod_wsgi on Apache, and enable a Python wsgi app. Accordingly, the app accepts GET and POST data and replies with text, html or ...

Canvas Ajax Upload from Cordova App
How Cordova app uploads a Canvas image via Ajax will be presented here. We create a signature image data by HTML DOM TouchEvent on the Canvas element. The canvas data can be sent to the ...

How Cordova Customize Icon and Splash by config.xml
You will learn how to customize the app's icon and splash from config.xml in Cordova projects. Also, if config.xml defines the plugins used, Cordova will auto install them during the app building process. Free download ...